We live in the age of  wirelessness. 

DeepBlue v2t is the third generation roadside sensor with a modular design for this day and age.

The DeepBlue Core+ is the trafficnow data analysis tool offering a a great amount of matrices for origins, waypoints and destinations. The Core+ allows studying the flow and distribution of the traffic in and around a city. The system provides extensive information about who uses the roads, the lengths of the journeys; vital information for mobility planning.

The system is designed for generating travel times, congestion alarms and traffic data. The Core uses real-time data quality assessment, and adapts the data intervals according to the statistical probe quality. The system offers a series of different algorithms and filters to adjust to all types of roads and infrastructure.

DeepBlue Core can be deployed in all environments, and can be tuned to meet the different challenges found in a large urban, interurban or full metropolitan area. The DeepBlue Core algorithms. Each individual vector within a project can be tuned to meet the conditions of the surrounding infrastructure. The tuning can involve configuring a multitude of filters, or using a different algorithm altogether.

More information available at: http://deepbluesensor.com/deepblue-home/deepblue-core/